September 23, 2011

Psychological Problems In Cancer Patients

Holistic treatment based on two things namely the treatment of physical and psychological treatment and both are very closely related. As I've said by the philosopher Plato, "There's no point in treating the body without treating the mind". This thinking is very striking, especially in patients with severe disease, including cancer. A sick body affects the mind and vice versa too. A healthy body will also affect healthy mind and vice versa.

Science also proves that a person's emotional state will affect the human body's immunity level. People who are in a fragile emotional level will be more quickly transmitted diseases, because their immune levels decline due to the condition of those ugly emotions. A positive emotional state, full of hope, will enhance our immune system, whereas a negative attitude, fear, and resignation, will lower your immune power.

Changes in these emotional states will be continued in a series of biochemical processes within our bodies. The opposite also occurs, in which repair body cells will also be able to improve our emotional level and our minds. With the above understanding, a thorough treatment of [holistic] is a way of healing that needs to be pursued, in which they repaired in the same time.

For that understanding of psychological conditions that occur for patients with severe disease need to be known, not only by the patient, but also for families, those around him, and the doctors or the people who helped cure these patients.

The worst emotional state that is always observed in cancer patients is the fear. This is very reasonable and easily understood fully. Level of fear is happening is very high and exceeds all kinds of disease. Why is that? Patients who are sentenced to suffer cancer are faced not only on the small chance of survival, but also physical and psychological suffering and impoverishment. This is very scary. In general, each person must have never seen pasien2 cancer who suffered physically at the time of treatment, underwent a grueling and painful treatments with horrific side effects without any significant change, to hear the cost of treatment is very expensive without assurance of cure.

Problem of patient acceptance by the news of this diagnosis is also exacerbated when the means of delivery is also done in a way bad. In general dokter2 rarely can deliver bad news with enough "good". They are not educated to this and therefore they will present it briefly and "cold". Dokter2 actually do not like this job, but a portion of his job and eventually had to do it without know how. At the time of notification of this terrible diagnosis, patients are in need of warmth and moral support that can prevent the decline in emotional state.
The doctors are never taught to communicate with patients, especially in the delivery of critical hal2 like this. In general, physicians rely solely on natural ability he has, without benar2 trained. Patients on the other hand always have more respect for doctors who can communicate well, rather than who did not [even though technically as good or better]. This is the dilemma that long.

Without good communication, pasien2 who was hospitalized in general feel helpless, depressed and resigned over what will be done by a doctor or an existing treatment system. This is very detrimental to the patient and her health condition worsen.

Research shows that psychological disorder, a terrible disease can also cause the emergence of cancer. Research shows that cancer can occur in less than 18 months of life orang2 experiencing problems such as job loss, retirement, divorce, family deaths and other life issues.
This happens often referred to as live traps [trap-life], in which someone tiba2 feel trapped in a very difficult situation and can not get out of it. "I feel better off dead," so this person said.

One therapy cancer treatment that is German New Medicine specializes in the treatment of psychological therapy, believing and proving that the incidence of severe disease is caused by the condition of a person's brain that the psychic wounds caused by events that occur and are not anticipated by the patient.
This was a direct psychological treatment can cure physical diseases that exist.


Is the condition of stress can lead to cancer? Some experts believe that stress is directly and alone, might not cause cancer, but if the patient does not have a good body immunity, whether due to the function of organs that are not good, not good nutrition, lifestyle is not good, then the stress can only to trigger the occurrence of cancer or other serious illnesses easily.

If severe disease is directly related to death, then this condition raises pressure for patients with advanced minds. There are 5 different phases of human reaction when he is faced with death.
The first phase is denial [denial]. Generally this person will say "I'm fine koq. This diagnosis is wrong. "This attitude is usually only temporary. The second phase, this person will be angry, and said, "Why me?" The third phase, to be Offer. "I'm willing to die, but if you can give me a little time ..." The fourth phase, the Depression. This person will be alone, do not communicate, does not feel the love and attention given to those around him. At this time there is no point in entertaining these patients. He needs to make peace with himself. The last phase is the Receiving, in which the patient will say "Okay, I'll deal with the best of it." Phases of the above are not always passed on a regular basis, can be surpassed quickly from phase 1 to 4 for example, depending on the condition of psychic patients.

Observations made on a number of breast cancer patients who have been through the process to see the development of their mastectomy. Observations show that there are four categories of the patients condition in which patients who struggle for healing, patients who "deny" that the bad condition, patients who "resigned" to his health condition, and the last is the patient who no longer wish healed. Within 5-10 years later survey showed that 80% of the first group that is fighting for his recovery benar2 cured and only 20% of the last group does not expect recovery to be healed.

Other studies also showed a very interesting phenomenon: 15-20% of cancer patients consciously or unconsciously wish to die, 60-70% of them expect to recover but only passively and hope that the doctors who worked to heal him. The remaining 15-20% of patients are pasien2 who do not want to become victims of this disease, which is actively constantly looking for ways of healing are possible, not always followed the advice of his doctors, want to control herself, be diligent in asking.
Pasien2 an uncooperative and unruly, in general have high possibility of full recovery. They have a high immune system as a result of his attitude earlier.


Explanation or a way is needed here is not to be made in detail and only a general review that need to be explored again. Someone should be able to control its own fikirannya. The human mind can become friends and vice versa can be its own enemy. The way this control can generally be done by meditating, praying, talking to yourself through visualization and other cara2. Yoga or meditation are proven to help other people to empty the mind and so build a good mental attitude towards the physical challenges that exist. One technique called "Strength of desire" [Power of Will], in which a person mentally and mentally trained himself to believe absolutely convinced that he can face these challenges, proven to help cure various diseases. Teknik2 mind control is widely available and can be studied and proved to be very, very help cure various diseases.

At the same time also expected to improve the patient's physical condition by consuming good nutrition and a maximum, taking bahan2 or otherwise have a cure and avoid the source or potential diseases that diidapnya form an unhealthy environment, nutrients are toxic, etc., so that the healing process occurs parallel between the physical and psychic.

Pray also proved to be very powerful to help healing. Research has always shown that patients who pray or talk to his Maker higher, proved his recovery percentage is much higher than people who do not have a religion or not believing in God.

At peace with myself through meditation and visualization and affirmations can also free yourself from fear, anger, and disappointment, which is closely related to disease conditions [see examples of German New Medicine].

Variety of ways, techniques and psychiatric and psychological therapy is necessary and can be applied to help someone to care for and heal his soul and in turn will boost immunity and help cure his own disease.
Hopefully this information useful. (Omri /

Psychological Problems In Cancer Patients

Holistic treatment based on two things namely the treatment of physical and psychological treatment and both are very closely related. As I've said by the philosopher Plato, "There's no point in treating the body without treating the mind". This thinking is very striking, especially in patients with severe disease, including cancer. A sick body affects the mind and vice versa too. A healthy body will also affect healthy mind and vice versa.

Science also proves that a person's emotional state will affect the human body's immunity level. People who are in a fragile emotional level will be more quickly transmitted diseases, because their immune levels decline due to the condition of those ugly emotions. A positive emotional state, full of hope, will enhance our immune system, whereas a negative attitude, fear, and resignation, will lower your immune power.

Changes in these emotional states will be continued in a series of biochemical processes within our bodies. The opposite also occurs, in which repair body cells will also be able to improve our emotional level and our minds. With the above understanding, a thorough treatment of [holistic] is a way of healing that needs to be pursued, in which they repaired in the same time.

For that understanding of psychological conditions that occur for patients with severe disease need to be known, not only by the patient, but also for families, those around him, and the doctors or the people who helped cure these patients.

The worst emotional state that is always observed in cancer patients is the fear. This is very reasonable and easily understood fully. Level of fear is happening is very high and exceeds all kinds of disease. Why is that? Patients who are sentenced to suffer cancer are faced not only on the small chance of survival, but also physical and psychological suffering and impoverishment. This is very scary. In general, each person must have never seen pasien2 cancer who suffered physically at the time of treatment, underwent a grueling and painful treatments with horrific side effects without any significant change, to hear the cost of treatment is very expensive without assurance of cure.

Problem of patient acceptance by the news of this diagnosis is also exacerbated when the means of delivery is also done in a way bad. In general dokter2 rarely can deliver bad news with enough "good". They are not educated to this and therefore they will present it briefly and "cold". Dokter2 actually do not like this job, but a portion of his job and eventually had to do it without know how. At the time of notification of this terrible diagnosis, patients are in need of warmth and moral support that can prevent the decline in emotional state.
The doctors are never taught to communicate with patients, especially in the delivery of critical hal2 like this. In general, physicians rely solely on natural ability he has, without benar2 trained. Patients on the other hand always have more respect for doctors who can communicate well, rather than who did not [even though technically as good or better]. This is the dilemma that long.

Without good communication, pasien2 who was hospitalized in general feel helpless, depressed and resigned over what will be done by a doctor or an existing treatment system. This is very detrimental to the patient and her health condition worsen.

Research shows that psychological disorder, a terrible disease can also cause the emergence of cancer. Research shows that cancer can occur in less than 18 months of life orang2 experiencing problems such as job loss, retirement, divorce, family deaths and other life issues.
This happens often referred to as live traps [trap-life], in which someone tiba2 feel trapped in a very difficult situation and can not get out of it. "I feel better off dead," so this person said.

One therapy cancer treatment that is German New Medicine specializes in the treatment of psychological therapy, believing and proving that the incidence of severe disease is caused by the condition of a person's brain that the psychic wounds caused by events that occur and are not anticipated by the patient.
This was a direct psychological treatment can cure physical diseases that exist.


Is the condition of stress can lead to cancer? Some experts believe that stress is directly and alone, might not cause cancer, but if the patient does not have a good body immunity, whether due to the function of organs that are not good, not good nutrition, lifestyle is not good, then the stress can only to trigger the occurrence of cancer or other serious illnesses easily.

If severe disease is directly related to death, then this condition raises pressure for patients with advanced minds. There are 5 different phases of human reaction when he is faced with death.
The first phase is denial [denial]. Generally this person will say "I'm fine koq. This diagnosis is wrong. "This attitude is usually only temporary. The second phase, this person will be angry, and said, "Why me?" The third phase, to be Offer. "I'm willing to die, but if you can give me a little time ..." The fourth phase, the Depression. This person will be alone, do not communicate, does not feel the love and attention given to those around him. At this time there is no point in entertaining these patients. He needs to make peace with himself. The last phase is the Receiving, in which the patient will say "Okay, I'll deal with the best of it." Phases of the above are not always passed on a regular basis, can be surpassed quickly from phase 1 to 4 for example, depending on the condition of psychic patients.

Observations made on a number of breast cancer patients who have been through the process to see the development of their mastectomy. Observations show that there are four categories of the patients condition in which patients who struggle for healing, patients who "deny" that the bad condition, patients who "resigned" to his health condition, and the last is the patient who no longer wish healed. Within 5-10 years later survey showed that 80% of the first group that is fighting for his recovery benar2 cured and only 20% of the last group does not expect recovery to be healed.

Other studies also showed a very interesting phenomenon: 15-20% of cancer patients consciously or unconsciously wish to die, 60-70% of them expect to recover but only passively and hope that the doctors who worked to heal him. The remaining 15-20% of patients are pasien2 who do not want to become victims of this disease, which is actively constantly looking for ways of healing are possible, not always followed the advice of his doctors, want to control herself, be diligent in asking.
Pasien2 an uncooperative and unruly, in general have high possibility of full recovery. They have a high immune system as a result of his attitude earlier.


Explanation or a way is needed here is not to be made in detail and only a general review that need to be explored again. Someone should be able to control its own fikirannya. The human mind can become friends and vice versa can be its own enemy. The way this control can generally be done by meditating, praying, talking to yourself through visualization and other cara2. Yoga or meditation are proven to help other people to empty the mind and so build a good mental attitude towards the physical challenges that exist. One technique called "Strength of desire" [Power of Will], in which a person mentally and mentally trained himself to believe absolutely convinced that he can face these challenges, proven to help cure various diseases. Teknik2 mind control is widely available and can be studied and proved to be very, very help cure various diseases.

At the same time also expected to improve the patient's physical condition by consuming good nutrition and a maximum, taking bahan2 or otherwise have a cure and avoid the source or potential diseases that diidapnya form an unhealthy environment, nutrients are toxic, etc., so that the healing process occurs parallel between the physical and psychic.

Pray also proved to be very powerful to help healing. Research has always shown that patients who pray or talk to his Maker higher, proved his recovery percentage is much higher than people who do not have a religion or not believing in God.

At peace with myself through meditation and visualization and affirmations can also free yourself from fear, anger, and disappointment, which is closely related to disease conditions [see examples of German New Medicine].

Variety of ways, techniques and psychiatric and psychological therapy is necessary and can be applied to help someone to care for and heal his soul and in turn will boost immunity and help cure his own disease.
Hopefully this information useful. (Omri /