October 25, 2012

Does Treatment of Cervical Cancer Will Affect Sexual Life?

You may think that your sexual desire will be affected after treatment of cervical cancer. This assumption might be true but actually decrease sexual desire is only a temporary decline, so do not need to worry.
The cause of decreased sexual desire is due to psychological effects experienced by women from cervical cancer is going through. Because cervical cancer treatment focused on the female sex organ areas most women tend to think that this will also affect their sexual desire. This is an increasingly makes women experience psychological disorders so that sexual desire changes that occur. With some of the ways and methods in fact this problem can be overcome.

Relationship of Cervical Cancer Treatment and Sexual Desire

 Several treatment options for cervical cancer are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy can affect your sexual desire and ability.
Operation. Treatment with this method will remove cancerous cells or tissues that are nearby. In previous articles have discussed there are various kinds of surgery on cervical cancer, among others, throw some cervical cancers contained on or lifting the entire cervix and uterus, which will cause the menstrual cycle will be stopped. In some women, the condition does not menstruate longer regarded as a "loss" which is very large so it will have an impact on an intimate relationship with a partner.
In some circumstances, the ovaries will be removed during hysterectomy. When this happens, it just means that women will experience menopause with symptoms that appear as hot, dry vagina and sweat more at night. These symptoms will make your sexual activity becomes uncomfortable.
Radiation Therapy. Treatment of cervical cancer also uses radiation to destroy cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you may experience extreme fatigue so that you will lose sexual desire. You may experience vaginal dryness, itching and a burning feeling, this was due to radiation therapy directed at the pelvic area. Post-radiation therapy, women are encouraged to not have sexual intercourse during the next few weeks until treatment is completed. In the end, radiation therapy will cause scar tissue to the vagina, and this condition will cause pain and pain during sexual intercourse. This situation is not the end of your sex life because of this problem can be treated, talk to your doctor to get an explanation how to solve this problem.
Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the treatment of cervical cancer that aims to destroy cancer cells. Side effects will be experienced depending on the type and amount of medication given. Most chemotherapy drugs will give side effects such as fatigue, so you will lose sexual desire. In addition, chemotherapy also causes hormone changes in women that can cause early menopause. Another side effect is the occurrence of baldness, hair loss in some couples will have an impact on the decrease in sexual desire.

Troubleshooting Tips Sex Life After Treatment of Cervical Cancer

If you think about whether your cervical cancer treatment have an impact on sexual life, here are some tips you can consider:
• Be open to your partner. Through communication with your partner about treatment you are feeling, both emotionally and physically, you will be able to communicate more freely and openly. Thus there is no additional burden of what you are experiencing.
• Seek help if you need it. If your sex life diminished after treatment of cervical cancer, discuss with your medical team. They will definitely provide solutions to problems you face.
• The thing to remember is that the decrease in your sexual desire is only temporary. Effects such as fatigue and others will disappear by itself after you finish treatment. You will feel fit again after all the treatment and thus passed your sex life will be restored.
Your sex life does not mean stop treatment just because you live but you just put it off for a while.

Does Treatment of Cervical Cancer Will Affect Sexual Life?

You may think that your sexual desire will be affected after treatment of cervical cancer. This assumption might be true but actually decrease sexual desire is only a temporary decline, so do not need to worry.
The cause of decreased sexual desire is due to psychological effects experienced by women from cervical cancer is going through. Because cervical cancer treatment focused on the female sex organ areas most women tend to think that this will also affect their sexual desire. This is an increasingly makes women experience psychological disorders so that sexual desire changes that occur. With some of the ways and methods in fact this problem can be overcome.

Relationship of Cervical Cancer Treatment and Sexual Desire

 Several treatment options for cervical cancer are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy can affect your sexual desire and ability.
Operation. Treatment with this method will remove cancerous cells or tissues that are nearby. In previous articles have discussed there are various kinds of surgery on cervical cancer, among others, throw some cervical cancers contained on or lifting the entire cervix and uterus, which will cause the menstrual cycle will be stopped. In some women, the condition does not menstruate longer regarded as a "loss" which is very large so it will have an impact on an intimate relationship with a partner.
In some circumstances, the ovaries will be removed during hysterectomy. When this happens, it just means that women will experience menopause with symptoms that appear as hot, dry vagina and sweat more at night. These symptoms will make your sexual activity becomes uncomfortable.
Radiation Therapy. Treatment of cervical cancer also uses radiation to destroy cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you may experience extreme fatigue so that you will lose sexual desire. You may experience vaginal dryness, itching and a burning feeling, this was due to radiation therapy directed at the pelvic area. Post-radiation therapy, women are encouraged to not have sexual intercourse during the next few weeks until treatment is completed. In the end, radiation therapy will cause scar tissue to the vagina, and this condition will cause pain and pain during sexual intercourse. This situation is not the end of your sex life because of this problem can be treated, talk to your doctor to get an explanation how to solve this problem.
Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the treatment of cervical cancer that aims to destroy cancer cells. Side effects will be experienced depending on the type and amount of medication given. Most chemotherapy drugs will give side effects such as fatigue, so you will lose sexual desire. In addition, chemotherapy also causes hormone changes in women that can cause early menopause. Another side effect is the occurrence of baldness, hair loss in some couples will have an impact on the decrease in sexual desire.

Troubleshooting Tips Sex Life After Treatment of Cervical Cancer

If you think about whether your cervical cancer treatment have an impact on sexual life, here are some tips you can consider:
• Be open to your partner. Through communication with your partner about treatment you are feeling, both emotionally and physically, you will be able to communicate more freely and openly. Thus there is no additional burden of what you are experiencing.
• Seek help if you need it. If your sex life diminished after treatment of cervical cancer, discuss with your medical team. They will definitely provide solutions to problems you face.
• The thing to remember is that the decrease in your sexual desire is only temporary. Effects such as fatigue and others will disappear by itself after you finish treatment. You will feel fit again after all the treatment and thus passed your sex life will be restored.
Your sex life does not mean stop treatment just because you live but you just put it off for a while.