June 26, 2011

Know Colon Cancer

Colorectal Cancer or known as Ca. Colon or Bowel Cancer is a form of malignancy that occurs in the colon, rectum, and appendix (appendectomy). In developed countries, cancer is ranked the third most frequent, and became the leading cause of death in the western world. To find it takes an action that is called a colonoscopy, while for treatment is surgery followed by chemotherapy.

At first the symptoms are not obvious, such as weight loss (as a common symptom of malignancy) and unexplained fatigue. After a few time before other symptoms appear related to the presence of tumor in a meaningful size in the colon. The closer the location of the tumor in anus symptoms usually more. When we talk about the symptoms of colon tumors, the symptoms are divided into three, namely the local symptoms, common symptoms, and symptoms spread (metastasis).

Local symptoms are:

Changes in bowel habits
Changes in stool frequency, reduced (constipation) or increased (diarrhea)
Sensations such as unfinished bowel movement, (still wanted but could not out) and change in diameter and the size of stool (feces). Both are characteristic of colorectal cancer
Changes in the physical appearance of feces / stool
Stool mixed with blood or blood out of the sinkhole during defecation
Stool mixed with mucus
Blackish-colored stool, usually associated with the occurrence of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract
Arising pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting during bowel movements, caused by blockage of sewage by the tumor mass
A lump in the abdomen that may be perceived by the patient
Other symptoms arise around the location of the tumor, because cancer can grow about organ and tissue around the tumor, such as the bladder (blood in urine arise, arise air bubbles, etc.), vagina (vaginal discharge that smells, appears excessive mucus, etc. ). These symptoms occur later, indicating the larger tumors and more extensive distribution.

The most common symptoms are:
 Weight loss for no apparent reason (this is the most common symptom in all types of malignancy)
Loss of appetite
Anemia, the patient was pale
Often feel tired
Sometimes experience sensations such as floating
Symptoms of distribution are:

Dissemination to the liver, causing symptoms:
Patients appear yellow
Abdominal pain, more often at the top right, in the vicinity of the liver
Enlargement of the liver, usually visible on physical examination by a physician
Some other symptoms that arise are called paraneoplastic, associated with increased blood viscosity due to the spread of cancer.

Depth / Staging / Stage Colon Cancer
There are several kinds of classification of staging in colon cancer, there TNM classification, Dukes classification, but which I will describe the classification is as follows (similar to the Dukes classification):

Stage 1: Cancer occurs in the wall of the colon
Stage 2: The cancer has spread to the muscle layer of colon
Stage 3: Cancer has spread to lymph glands
Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other organs
 Risk Factors
Anyone can get cancer of the colon? Here are the factors that increase a person's risk of colon cancer:

Age. The risk increases with age. Most cases occur at the age of 60-70 s, and rarely under the age of 50 except in any family history of colon cancer.
Presence of polyps in the colon, particularly adenomatous polyp type. With the removal of polyps at the time found also reduce the risk of colon cancer later in life.
History of cancer. Someone who had been diagnosed with or treated for colon cancer are at risk of developing colon cancer later in life. Women who have ovarian cancer (ovarian), uterine cancer, and breast cancer have a greater risk for colorectal cancer.
History of colon cancer, especially in the immediate family.
Disease FAP (Familial adenomatous polyposis) - familial adenomatous polyps (in families); have 100% risk for colorectal cancer occurred before age 40 years, if not treated.
Other diseases in the family, such as HNPCC (Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer) - non-polyp disease colorectal cancer that runs in families, or Lynch syndrome
Disease colitis (inflammation of the colon) ulcerative untreated.
Smoking habits. Smokers have a much greater risk for colorectal cancer than nonsmokers.
Eating habits. Ever the meticulous that the habit of eating lots of meat and less fruit, vegetables, and fish also increase the risk of colorectal cancers.
Little activity. People who are more physically active had a lower risk for colorectal cancer is formed.
Inveksi Virus. Certain viruses such as HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) contributing to the occurrence of colorectal cancers.
How to detect it?
Colorectal cancer can take years to develop, so early detection is very influential on the possibility of recovery. When you include someone who is at risk, you should do a screening. Examination are:

Rectal examination with the finger (Digital Rectal Exam), in which doctors examine the state of the rectum wall as far as possible with your fingers; these checks do not always find any abnormalities, especially cancer that occurs in the colon only and has not spread to the rectum.
Examination of blood in the stool.
Endoscopy. This check is very useful because in addition to seeing the situation in the colon can also act, for example when finding polyps endoscopy may well take it to then do a biopsy.
Examination by double contrast barium enema.
Virtual Colonoscopy.
CAT Scan.
Examination of CEA levels (carcinogens embryonic Antigent) of blood.
Whole-body PET Scan Imaging. While this is the most accurate diagnostic tests for detecting recurrent colorectal cancer (which recur).
Fecal DNA testing.

How is Treatment?
Patient care depends on the level of staging the cancer itself. Therapy will be much easier if the cancer is found at an early stage. Cancer cure rates of stage 1 and 2 are still very good. But if cancer is found in the advanced stage, or found at an early stage and not treated, then the recovery is also likely to be much more difficult.
Among the treatment options for sufferers, Operation option is still ranked first, with supported by chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy (may be required). 
This action is divided into curative, Palliative, bypass, fecal diversion, and Open-and-close. Surgical curative done if the tumor was found in a localized area. The point is to remove the affected part of the tumor and its surroundings. In these circumstances it may take an action that called TME (total mesorectal Excision), which is an act of throwing the gut in significant numbers. As a result, both ends of remaining bowel should be sewn back. Usually in this situation required a colostomy bag, so the dirt through the colon can be disposed of through other channels. This option is not a good option but it is a necessary step to stay alive, considering the patient's impossible not to eat so that the intestine is also impossible not fill in the food / feces, while there are parts that need healing. What and how the continuation of the colostomy is conditional and individually, each patient has different circumstances so that the handling is not the same.
Palliative Surgery is done in cases of tumor spread widely, with the purpose to avoid throwing the primary tumor-induced death of patients with the primary tumor. Sometimes this action is supported chemotherapy can be lifesaving. When the spread of tumors on vital organs then surgery was technically difficult, so doctors may choose bypass surgery technique or fecal diversion (diversion feces) through the hole. The final choice in the worst condition is an open-and-close, in which doctors open up areas of operations, then the de facto look at the situation is such that it is impossible to do anything more or actions to be performed does not benefit the patient, then in cover. This action seems to have never done it again given the now widely available laparoscopic and advanced radiography to detect the presence and condition of cancer long before surgery is needed.

Non-Surgical Therapy
Chemotherapy is done as an act to reduce the occurrence of metastasis (spread), the development of tumor cells, shrink in size, or slow growth. Radiotherapy is rarely used for colon cancer because it has side effects and is difficult to be fired into a specific part of the colon. Radiotherapy is more frequent in rectal cancer alone. Immunotherapy is being developed as an adjunctive therapy for colorectal cancers. Other therapies that have been tested and the results are very promising vaccine therapy. Discovered in November 2006 and a branded TroVax vaccine proven effective against various cancers. This vaccine works by increasing the patient's immune system to fight the disease. The testing phase is currently intended for kidney cancer and is planned for colon cancer. Another therapy is a treatment intended to address the metastases (tumor spread).
Well apart from the above non-surgical therapy, which is equally important is the Supportive Therapy. The diagnosis of cancer is often caused an enormous influence on the psyche of the sufferer. Because of encouragement from the hospital, doctors, husbands / wives, relatives, family, social support group is very important for the sufferer.
An Advice:
This section is from me personally, if you or your family is a colon cancer patient, my suggestion is as follows:

Do not delay your treatment, who knows you are still included in the category of early stages.
Do not despair, in every adversity there is always a way out.
Do not linger to try alternative therapies and thwart a proven medical therapies.
I personally believe Black Seed (black cumin) as adjunctive therapy for any therapy, especially for the cancer problem. Since the first Prophet said: "Verily, Black Seed is a cure for all diseases except death ...", and I believe in it. Recently scientists found that Black Seed has a potent anti-cancer effects. (*)

Know Colon Cancer

Colorectal Cancer or known as Ca. Colon or Bowel Cancer is a form of malignancy that occurs in the colon, rectum, and appendix (appendectomy). In developed countries, cancer is ranked the third most frequent, and became the leading cause of death in the western world. To find it takes an action that is called a colonoscopy, while for treatment is surgery followed by chemotherapy.

At first the symptoms are not obvious, such as weight loss (as a common symptom of malignancy) and unexplained fatigue. After a few time before other symptoms appear related to the presence of tumor in a meaningful size in the colon. The closer the location of the tumor in anus symptoms usually more. When we talk about the symptoms of colon tumors, the symptoms are divided into three, namely the local symptoms, common symptoms, and symptoms spread (metastasis).

Local symptoms are:

Changes in bowel habits
Changes in stool frequency, reduced (constipation) or increased (diarrhea)
Sensations such as unfinished bowel movement, (still wanted but could not out) and change in diameter and the size of stool (feces). Both are characteristic of colorectal cancer
Changes in the physical appearance of feces / stool
Stool mixed with blood or blood out of the sinkhole during defecation
Stool mixed with mucus
Blackish-colored stool, usually associated with the occurrence of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract
Arising pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting during bowel movements, caused by blockage of sewage by the tumor mass
A lump in the abdomen that may be perceived by the patient
Other symptoms arise around the location of the tumor, because cancer can grow about organ and tissue around the tumor, such as the bladder (blood in urine arise, arise air bubbles, etc.), vagina (vaginal discharge that smells, appears excessive mucus, etc. ). These symptoms occur later, indicating the larger tumors and more extensive distribution.

The most common symptoms are:
 Weight loss for no apparent reason (this is the most common symptom in all types of malignancy)
Loss of appetite
Anemia, the patient was pale
Often feel tired
Sometimes experience sensations such as floating
Symptoms of distribution are:

Dissemination to the liver, causing symptoms:
Patients appear yellow
Abdominal pain, more often at the top right, in the vicinity of the liver
Enlargement of the liver, usually visible on physical examination by a physician
Some other symptoms that arise are called paraneoplastic, associated with increased blood viscosity due to the spread of cancer.

Depth / Staging / Stage Colon Cancer
There are several kinds of classification of staging in colon cancer, there TNM classification, Dukes classification, but which I will describe the classification is as follows (similar to the Dukes classification):

Stage 1: Cancer occurs in the wall of the colon
Stage 2: The cancer has spread to the muscle layer of colon
Stage 3: Cancer has spread to lymph glands
Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other organs
 Risk Factors
Anyone can get cancer of the colon? Here are the factors that increase a person's risk of colon cancer:

Age. The risk increases with age. Most cases occur at the age of 60-70 s, and rarely under the age of 50 except in any family history of colon cancer.
Presence of polyps in the colon, particularly adenomatous polyp type. With the removal of polyps at the time found also reduce the risk of colon cancer later in life.
History of cancer. Someone who had been diagnosed with or treated for colon cancer are at risk of developing colon cancer later in life. Women who have ovarian cancer (ovarian), uterine cancer, and breast cancer have a greater risk for colorectal cancer.
History of colon cancer, especially in the immediate family.
Disease FAP (Familial adenomatous polyposis) - familial adenomatous polyps (in families); have 100% risk for colorectal cancer occurred before age 40 years, if not treated.
Other diseases in the family, such as HNPCC (Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer) - non-polyp disease colorectal cancer that runs in families, or Lynch syndrome
Disease colitis (inflammation of the colon) ulcerative untreated.
Smoking habits. Smokers have a much greater risk for colorectal cancer than nonsmokers.
Eating habits. Ever the meticulous that the habit of eating lots of meat and less fruit, vegetables, and fish also increase the risk of colorectal cancers.
Little activity. People who are more physically active had a lower risk for colorectal cancer is formed.
Inveksi Virus. Certain viruses such as HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) contributing to the occurrence of colorectal cancers.
How to detect it?
Colorectal cancer can take years to develop, so early detection is very influential on the possibility of recovery. When you include someone who is at risk, you should do a screening. Examination are:

Rectal examination with the finger (Digital Rectal Exam), in which doctors examine the state of the rectum wall as far as possible with your fingers; these checks do not always find any abnormalities, especially cancer that occurs in the colon only and has not spread to the rectum.
Examination of blood in the stool.
Endoscopy. This check is very useful because in addition to seeing the situation in the colon can also act, for example when finding polyps endoscopy may well take it to then do a biopsy.
Examination by double contrast barium enema.
Virtual Colonoscopy.
CAT Scan.
Examination of CEA levels (carcinogens embryonic Antigent) of blood.
Whole-body PET Scan Imaging. While this is the most accurate diagnostic tests for detecting recurrent colorectal cancer (which recur).
Fecal DNA testing.

How is Treatment?
Patient care depends on the level of staging the cancer itself. Therapy will be much easier if the cancer is found at an early stage. Cancer cure rates of stage 1 and 2 are still very good. But if cancer is found in the advanced stage, or found at an early stage and not treated, then the recovery is also likely to be much more difficult.
Among the treatment options for sufferers, Operation option is still ranked first, with supported by chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy (may be required). 
This action is divided into curative, Palliative, bypass, fecal diversion, and Open-and-close. Surgical curative done if the tumor was found in a localized area. The point is to remove the affected part of the tumor and its surroundings. In these circumstances it may take an action that called TME (total mesorectal Excision), which is an act of throwing the gut in significant numbers. As a result, both ends of remaining bowel should be sewn back. Usually in this situation required a colostomy bag, so the dirt through the colon can be disposed of through other channels. This option is not a good option but it is a necessary step to stay alive, considering the patient's impossible not to eat so that the intestine is also impossible not fill in the food / feces, while there are parts that need healing. What and how the continuation of the colostomy is conditional and individually, each patient has different circumstances so that the handling is not the same.
Palliative Surgery is done in cases of tumor spread widely, with the purpose to avoid throwing the primary tumor-induced death of patients with the primary tumor. Sometimes this action is supported chemotherapy can be lifesaving. When the spread of tumors on vital organs then surgery was technically difficult, so doctors may choose bypass surgery technique or fecal diversion (diversion feces) through the hole. The final choice in the worst condition is an open-and-close, in which doctors open up areas of operations, then the de facto look at the situation is such that it is impossible to do anything more or actions to be performed does not benefit the patient, then in cover. This action seems to have never done it again given the now widely available laparoscopic and advanced radiography to detect the presence and condition of cancer long before surgery is needed.

Non-Surgical Therapy
Chemotherapy is done as an act to reduce the occurrence of metastasis (spread), the development of tumor cells, shrink in size, or slow growth. Radiotherapy is rarely used for colon cancer because it has side effects and is difficult to be fired into a specific part of the colon. Radiotherapy is more frequent in rectal cancer alone. Immunotherapy is being developed as an adjunctive therapy for colorectal cancers. Other therapies that have been tested and the results are very promising vaccine therapy. Discovered in November 2006 and a branded TroVax vaccine proven effective against various cancers. This vaccine works by increasing the patient's immune system to fight the disease. The testing phase is currently intended for kidney cancer and is planned for colon cancer. Another therapy is a treatment intended to address the metastases (tumor spread).
Well apart from the above non-surgical therapy, which is equally important is the Supportive Therapy. The diagnosis of cancer is often caused an enormous influence on the psyche of the sufferer. Because of encouragement from the hospital, doctors, husbands / wives, relatives, family, social support group is very important for the sufferer.
An Advice:
This section is from me personally, if you or your family is a colon cancer patient, my suggestion is as follows:

Do not delay your treatment, who knows you are still included in the category of early stages.
Do not despair, in every adversity there is always a way out.
Do not linger to try alternative therapies and thwart a proven medical therapies.
I personally believe Black Seed (black cumin) as adjunctive therapy for any therapy, especially for the cancer problem. Since the first Prophet said: "Verily, Black Seed is a cure for all diseases except death ...", and I believe in it. Recently scientists found that Black Seed has a potent anti-cancer effects. (*)